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Air and Work Environments sector

The AIR and WORK ENVIRONMENTS SECTOR carries out the following tests:


  • Control of pollutants in conveyed gas flows (atmospheric emissions) and of physical (speed, temperature, humidity, etc.) and chemical (carbon monoxide, nitrogen and sulphur oxides, particulate matter, PM10, PM2.5, volatile organic compounds, heavy metals, inorganic acids, PCDD, PCDF, IPA, Ammonia, odorimetric units etc.).
  • Control of continuous emission monitoring systems (EMS) according to Annex VI to part V of Italian Leg. Decree 152/2006, as subsequently amended and supplemented, (linearity, IAR, determination of calibration curve for in situ instruments with indirect reading, e.g. dust meters)
  • Quality assurance of continuous emission monitoring systems according to UNI EN 14181 (QAL2, QAL3, AST).
  • Plant checks during start-up and testing.
  • Biogas characterisation activities.
  • Preparation, supply, collection and analysis of supports for long-term sampling of organic micro-pollutants.


  • Planning and management of tests in the workplace in accordance with Italian Leg. Decree 81/2008, as subsequently amended and supplemented:
    • Chemical pollutants such as breathable and inhalable particulate fraction, volatile organic compounds, crystalline silica, heavy metals, IPA, ammonia, etc.
    • Microbiological agents such as bacteria and mycetes (e.g. Enterobatteriacee, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Stafiloccocco aureus, Aspergillus fumigatus etc…) and
    • Physical agents such as Noise and Vibrations
  • Assessment of workers’ exposure to airborne pollutants according to UNI 689 standard in compliance with NHS requirements and/or as part of chemical risk assessments
  • Planning and management of workplace microclimate monitoring campaigns according to Italian Leg. Decree 81/2008 for assessing the thermal comfort of workers
  • Assessment of state of preservation of asbestos cement roofing with application of Hamlet’s algorithm; monitoring of airborne asbestos fibres according to Italian Ministerial Decree 06/09/1994


  • Planning and management of air quality measurement campaigns according to Italian Leg. Decree 155/2010, as subsequently amended and supplemented, in compliance with AIA (Environmental Integrated Authorisation) requirements and/or for environmental impact assessments. .
  • Modelling assessment of the effects (distribution weather studies) of main pollutants from active and passive area or point sources (atmospheric emissions).
  • Monitoring of weather conditions during monitoring campaigns such as speed, wind direction, temperature, rainfall, etc.
  • Monitoring of effects using deposimeters for micropollutants such as PCDD, PCDF, IPA, heavy metals, etc.
  • Monitoring of ambient air quality for micro- and macropollutants such as CO, SO2, NOx, O3, BTEX, CH4 and NMHC, PTS, PM10, PM2,5, Metals.
  • Monitoring of odorimetric units from active and passive area or volume sources (atmospheric emissions) with modelling assessment where necessary.


  • Italian Leg. Decree 155/2010 as subsequently amended and supplemented
  • Italian Leg. Decree 81/2008 as subsequently amended and supplemented
  • Italian Leg. Decree 152/2006 as subsequently amended and supplemented
  • Italian Ministerial Decree 06/09/1994


  • Continuous combustion gas analysers for atmospheric emissions.
  • Technical equipment for discontinuous sampling of emissions in compliance with current regulations.
  • Gas divider for checking linearity over the entire measurement field of the EMS.
  • Ozone generator for checking catalytic converters for nitrogen oxide analysis.
  • Technical equipment (ATEX and non) for sampling of workplace pollutants in personal and fixed workstations.
  • SAS I.A.Q. air microbiological sampler.
  • Mobile laboratories set up with analysers and samplers for air quality monitoring.
  • (Bulk) deposimeters for organic and inorganic micro-pollutants.
  • Weather stations for monitoring weather conditions.


Odour emissions: how to deal with them in your facility following new article 272-bis of Italian Leg. Decree 152/2006, as subsequently amended, Consolidated Law on the Environment.

Odour emissions from factories/plants are increasingly drawing the attention of Environmental Control Authorities. This is partly due to the increase in reports and in requests for action or control by committees, associations or individual citizens, who/which have a critical view or are worried about exposure to the bad smells coming from production facilities.

Given these high levels of public concern, it is best to take action.

Our advice is, on the one hand, to regard this regulatory change as a real opportunity by anticipating any critical issues that could arise between the inhabitants and the Authorities, in order to protect your business, and, on the other, to highlight the virtuous and sustainable approach of your company.

For more details, fill in the form below and contact our experts!

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